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Sesame Street’s online resource for discussing divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2013 | Divorce |

Sesame Street may be thought of as just a program for children, but one branch of the program is helping to assist parents. The Sesame Workshop produces programming in the form of online tool kits that benefit both children and their parents when it comes to tackling difficult topics. If you are a divorced parent in Texas, or seeking a divorce, this may be the new online resource you’ve been looking for in an attempt to explain to your child what is happening to your family.

Sesame Workshop created the online tool kit through their educational initiative titled “Little Children, Big Challenges.” Tackling the issue of divorce with this online resource is the latest in a series of difficult discussion topics for children and parents. Other issues that they have created tool kits on in the past have been starting school, preparing for disasters, and dealing with financial difficulties.

The resources that Sesame Workshop uses are age appropriate and in creating the tool kit for divorce, they consulted with top educators and psychologists in their fields of study. The tool kit includes tips for parents on getting children to open up about how the divorce is affecting them, songs to help the children express those feelings, and even an app and multiple webinars available for access.

Sesame Street scrapped an earlier attempt at discussing divorce on their television program nearly 20 years ago, but ultimately decided that the timing is now correct with an online platform to strategically target those experiencing divorce themselves rather than their entire audience. It may prove to be Sesame Street’s latest stroke of genius, and for families having difficulty with the whole process, it may prove to be a lifesaver.

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Sesame Workshop adds divorce to the skill set: Online tool kit aims to help kids, parents,” Heidi Stevens, Jan. 1, 2013

  • Should you be struggling through a situation where you find yourself in need of resources to better understand the San Antonio Divorce process, please feel free to check out our website.

