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Giants safety arrested for unpaid child support

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2014 | Family Law |

Are there any Giants fans in Texas? If so, they may have heard that safety Will Hill was arrested last month. The reason: unpaid child support. Texas residents may be surprised that a person can be arrested for falling behind on child support, but the fact is that this is entirely possible.

In Hill’s case, he was arrested during a traffic stop Dec. 20. Police stopped the 23-year-old’s vehicle after noticing a minor traffic infraction, and upon pulling him over they learned that there was a warrant for his arrest due to non-payment of child support. A local news report notes that police had to use two sets of handcuffs due to the man’s size.

Hill reportedly owed about $9,100 in child support, and he was released from jail after paying it in full. 

The Giants have said that Hill would not be suspended because it is a personal matter; however, failing to pay court-ordered child support can become a criminal matter in the eyes of the law, and this is why the safety was arrested.

In order for Texas residents to avoid tough child support enforcement consequences, it is important to come up with a reasonable child support arrangement in the first place. Under state law, all parents are required to support their children financially. Child support orders are determined based on a formula that takes into account many factors – like the employment of both parents and the child’s needs. When a child support order becomes inappropriate or infeasible, perhaps because one parent’s income has changed substantially, it is important for parents to seek legal modifications. Simply failing to pay can lead to legal trouble.

Source:, “Police: Giant safety Will Hill owed $91,000 in child support during arrest,” Ron Zeitlinger, Jan. 2, 2014

