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Military presence may be a factor in county’s high divorce rate

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2014 | Military Divorce |

For anyone, being separated from one’s partner, children or parents is likely to be a difficult emotional experience. However, for those San Antonio residents serving in the military and their families, separation is often a way of life.

Members of these families may be apart for months or even years at a time, and this can be a strain on everyone involved. Recent statistics suggest that counties with military bases may be subject to higher divorce rates, as a result of the pressures to which military families are subjected.

The study notes the divorce rates in a number of counties in the eastern U.S., of which one is home to a military base. Of the counties surveyed, the one with a military presence had the second highest divorce and annulment rate, standing at 5.16 in every 1,000.

A former Army family life chaplain explained that long terms apart, the demanding nature of the job, and even the youth of many couples within the armed forces were all factors that could lead to the disintegration of a military marriage. Despite a slight decline in the overall divorce rates among military personnel, the figure in 2013 stood at 3.4 percent

Clearly, relationships can become strained by the separation and the stresses that come with a military career, and sometimes divorce is the best option. If there are children involved, custody arrangements have to be carefully considered. Although this process may sound daunting at first, with proper consideration of current legislation, it is possible to reach a decision that is appropriate for the entire family.

There is no shame in starting again, and the healthy decision may be to come to a mutual agreement that satisfies the needs of both spouses.

Source: Watertown Daily Times, “Jefferson County’s high divorce rate may be affected by Fort Drum,” Gordon Block, Feb. 17, 2014

