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We can help fathers fight to stay connected after divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2014 | Fathers' Rights |

It’s no secret that courts favored mothers in custody cases in decades past, but the likelihood of that happening these days is rapidly dropping. In fact, sole custody itself is moving towards becoming a somewhat antiquated concept, with many studies confirming that fathers are as capable as mothers when it comes to the care of children. This is true in Texas as well, and it is fairly uncommon here for a father to be completely removed from the custody/visitation picture unless they are deemed somehow unfit.

Still, while joint custody is becoming more normal, complacency can still lead to an undesirable custody arrangement. Simply assuming that you will have a large role in your child’s life post-divorce can lead to trouble. Strong legal representation may be able to help you in proving that you are the father your child needs and deserves. This can be very important, especially if the divorce turns toxic and things get contentious between you and your ex-spouse. In such a situation, a person may find their ex-spouse fighting against a joint custody arrangement.

If you are being accused in any way of not deserving to be involved in your child’s life, it can become even more important to enlist the aid of legal counsel. For example, if you’ve had to work through holidays to provide for your family financially, your ex-spouse may try to claim that you have been perennially uninvolved in your child’s life.

In instances like these, you may have to fight to prove that you belong in your child’s life, because, when a custody decision is in a court’s hands, the court will ultimately make a decision based on what it finds to be best for the child. It can be up to you to prove that having you in his or her life is what’s best for your child.

Visit our fathers’ rights page to learn about how we can help fathers in custody matters.

