The breakdown of a marriage is sad for anyone. No matter how well things start out, over time you may drift apart. For military couples this can often be the case. Long periods apart, regularly being uprooted and moved around, coupled with the natural stresses of the job, can all take its toll on a relationship. However, although these are unhappy things, divorce itself does not need to be cast in a negative light.
It is a chance to begin again, to have a fresh start away from each other. Often, it is the healthiest choice when you know that you and your spouse are beyond reconciliation. Of course, as a military couple, there are certain issues you must tackle that do not come up in other divorce cases.
One obvious matter that needs to be determined is how your divorce will affect any military benefits or your military retirement. Another important issue is child custody. Custody arrangements may depend heavily on your deployment schedule and the locations at which you are stationed.
For most couples, there are strict residency requirements for a couple to file for divorce in a given location. However, this legislation varies when it comes to service members and may make it possible for you to file for divorce even if you are not in your home state.
Of course, every divorce is different and you may benefit from the advice of an attorney to help you through the process. Our page on military divorce also has more in-depth information if you have further questions about the issues that may arise during your divorce.