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Legal assistance is crucial for military families

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2015 | Military Divorce |

It is no secret that military life is hard. The men and women of the armed forces endure grueling exercises and training programs in order to achieve the level of fitness and dedication required by the military, and then they are sent to different bases or deployed to foreign countries in order to defend the freedoms we hold so dear. Unfortunately, as difficult as the working conditions are for someone in the armed forces, the circumstances of their home lives can be equally difficult.

The extremely difficult working conditions of serving in the military are a burden that spouses must share as well, though arguably to a lesser degree. Military spouses must be ready to pack up and move with very little notice, abandoning their lives in order to move to another city or state. They must also be able to cope with the fact that their beloved husband or wife could be gone for months at a time, risking their lives daily, well-aware of the possibility that they may never return.

For some couples, this strain is just too much for their marriage to bear. When the marriage becomes too difficult or stressful, a couple may consider divorce, but sadly divorce is yet another area that is more complex for military members than others. Military life affects divorce in many ways, including affecting custody agreements, dividing assets such as military retirement and even affecting the duty of medical care.

If you or your spouse is currently serving or has ever served in the military, it is highly recommended that you meet with an attorney when considering divorce. Even the issue of where you file could be more complex than expected: having a residence in Texas but being based in Arkansas can drastically affect military divorce proceedings. Please visit our website to learn more about the complexities of military divorce and how we can help Texas residents decide where to file and what to expect when they file.

