The Path to Your Peace of Mind
Divorce and Family Law Matters

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What Type of Lawyer Do You Want Representing You?

On Behalf of | May 12, 2017 | Divorce, Family Law |

The first thing you should keep in mind when you’re looking for a divorce lawyer is that you’re not looking for a counselor or friend. You’re looking for someone who will hear your concerns about your future (and your children’s future), and then work on your behalf to resolve your divorce.

If you know what you want in a settlement, you should say so at your initial meeting with the lawyer you’re considering to represent you. That way, your lawyer can advise you if what you want is viable. And if it’s not, you can talk about what is viable and how to proceed on that route.


Before you choose a divorce lawyer to work with, make sure you find out how that lawyer approaches family law. There are times where litigation is unavoidable, and you want a strong litigator who will be a fierce advocate for you and will arrive at settlement that helps you and your children move forward with your life.


But there might also opportunities to resolve your divorce without going to court. Look for a law firm who will offer you a few methods to proceed, like Collaborative Law and mediation. At the Law Office of Lisa A. Vance, we use both these strategies, as they can achieve more satisfactory results–with less time and less rancor–for many of our clients.


Since the Law Office of Lisa Vance has a diverse group of lawyers on board, it’s likely you’ll find one here who’s a good match for you. Check out our bios to learn more about us. 

