The Path to Your Peace of Mind
Divorce and Family Law Matters

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, Photo of the firm's office and legal staff ,

Lessons on Civility We Learned From Our Halloween Party

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2019 | Ethics In Divorce |

We recently had a fantastic Halloween party in our office that our paralegals and office staffers put together. I already know, from the day in and day out work they do to help clients, protect clients, settle divorces and resolve CPS cases, how well they work together.

There were some really funny moments from the party. One of our paralegals dressed as a banana, and throughout the party, asked his colleagues, “Do you find me appealing?” The person at the office I least expected to dress like Maleficent from Snow White was dressed as Maleficent from Snow White, and she did a fantastic job.

My immediate takeaway from the party was that I’m so lucky and blessed to have assembled this team that makes up the Law Office of Lisa A. Vance. It’s my name on the door, but the good work we do involves so many people.

But it also led me to reflect on the political diversity we have in the office. People who know me know that I’m not shy about my political views. They are important to me, and they’re part of a worldview that extends to how I approach my life. This law firm’s approach of being both fierce and compassionate has a lot to do with my sense of justice and fairness.

But I also know this idea of being fierce and compassionate is not exclusive to my side of the aisle. We have people in our office from the other end of the political spectrum from me, who just as committed to our clients as I am. Our office is a civil place where we dedicate ourselves in helping people who trust us through difficult periods in their lives. Democrats can do this, Republicans can do this, and Independents can do this.

As we saw with the recent criminal justice reform legislation that Congress passed and President Trump signed, there are times we can come together and do things that really, truly make a difference. It might not seem like it as we’ve begun public impeachment hearings, but we’re a people that are still capable of being civil, finding common ground, and working together.

When you come to our law firm, you know that you’re in a place where civility and camaraderie rule the day. We can laugh about Halloween costumes, we can respectfully discuss issues, and then we can do the truly important work we’re blessed to do.

