For two of San Antonio’s major religious groups, this is a special time of year. On Wednesday evening, Jews around the world celebrated the beginning of Passover, and this coming Sunday, Christians will celebrate Easter. And under normal circumstances, San Antonio would be transformed this weekend, with families coming together in public parks to have cookouts and celebrate the special day outdoors.
But the parks will be closed this Sunday. The stay-at-home order in San Antonio set to expire yesterday has now been extended to April 30, as the Mayor and City Council try to encourage social distancing even at a time of year in which many of us come together.
And Fiesta, which was supposed to run April 16-26, has now been moved to November 5-15 to make sure that we’ve had time to recover from the pandemic and can still come together and congregate. It’s definitely a different April than we’d anticipated as the start of the year.
The City of San Antonio’s put together a helpful website updating people on coronavirus cases and what parts of the city it’s affecting most. It also has tips on what to look for and when you should reach out to your doctor about possibly getting tested.
In the meantime, of course, you should stay at home, limit your travels to the essentials, like getting groceries and medicine, and for the time being, wear a mask when you’re out in public.
But you don’t need to postpone family law concerns. As we mentioned in the blog article we wrote two weeks ago, the courts are hearing cases and lawyers are still able to advocate on behalf of their clients. So, if you’re thinking about divorce but you’re worried that everyone’s stopped, we can assure you that’s not the case. Plus, if you are just starting the process, there’s a lot that you’ll have to do in order to prepare, starting with keeping these four big things in mind.
And as we emphasized last week, if you’re in San Antonio and you’re experiencing domestic violence, you can get help and you don’t have to stay in a situation that’s dangerous for you or your children.
I know that for many, Easter is a time for hope, and this current pandemic has made hope seem more distant. We will get through this, and in San Antonio, we’ll get to it feeling like it’s San Antonio before too much longer. In the meantime, we’re here, and working out of our homes, but very much here for you and able to handle any family law concerns you might have.