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How a Texas divorce mirrors the grieving process brought by death

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2013 | Divorce |

Each couple who goes through a divorce will have a unique experience, one that is the result of their own personalities and the history that they have created together. However, research suggests that many spouses react to the end of a marriage in much the same way that many people react to the loss of a loved one. There is a growing body of research that supports the idea that grief plays a role in the process of coming to terms with the end of a marriage. The following information is provided in the hope that Texas spouses can find help getting through the emotional challenges of a divorce.

There are multiple stages of grief. These include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. Not everyone will experience each stage, and others may find that the move through the stages in a different order. However an individual responds to the end of a marriage, it is imperative to recognize the emotional responses that are encountered and address them properly.

The divorce attorney that one chooses can have a significant impact on how the parties will communicate. Many believe that selecting an attorney who understands the emotional component of divorce can greatly improve the process, as well as the eventual outcome. A movement is underway to train attorneys to acknowledge the similarities between divorce and grief, and to work toward reducing conflict between spouses. High levels of conflict correlate with higher rates of domestic violence as well as instances of parental alienation.

When choosing an attorney to guide you through your Texas divorce, it is important to determine how that professional approaches conflict resolution. While the focus in decades past may have been to litigate to the bitter end, recent research suggests that a more collaborative approach yields better results. By choosing an attorney whose tactics align with your own divorce goals, the best possible outcome can be achieved.

Source: Huffington Post, “Divorce and the Grieving Process,” Mark Baer, July 8, 2013

