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Helping To Establish Paternity

At The Law Office of Lisa Vance, we recognize just how important it is for a child to have a meaningful relationship with his or her father. Establishing paternity is not just an important step to nurture the bond that a child can share with his or her father. Establishing paternity allows the child to receive the financial resources he or she needs to flourish. Whether you are a mother who is trying to establish paternity of your child or you are a father seeking to protect your parental rights so that you may be a part of your child’s life, we can help.

Lisa A. Vance Offers Competent and Effective Legal Strategies for Parents Who Need Help to Establish Paternity

When you decide to make an appointment to visit Lisa A. Vance, one of our dedicated lawyers and/or a paralegal will meet with you and:

  • Discuss your goals for establishing paternity of your child
  • Identify your legal options and explain the processes of each to help you make an educated decision
  • Set up a DNA testing or initiate legal actions if necessary
  • In the case of a paternity lawsuit, defend your paternity rights and help you establish a relationship with your child.

Under Texas law, when a child is born to parents who are not married to each other, the biological father must take the necessary steps to formally acknowledge his paternity. The biological father can fill out an acknowledgement of paternity (AOP) form at the hospital.

In certain situations you should get a lawyer involved. For example, if the biological father will not acknowledge paternity, or if you believe you are the biological father and the mother does not agree, a lawyer can be important in establishing paternity. A DNA blood test can either confirm or deny whether a man is the biological father of the child.

Once the biological father is determined, child custody or visitation arrangements, as well as child support can be established. Most importantly, a child can begin building what is hopefully a strong, lasting relationship with his or her father.

Contact Our Texas Parental Rights Attorney Today

Call 210-265-6277 or email us to schedule a confidential consultation with attorney, Lisa A. Vance in San Antonio, Texas. Our divorce lawyers offer compassionate, experienced advice on family law issues including custody, child support, alimony and divorce. We also handle estate planning, probate, elder law issues, as well as animal welfare law.

Our office is near downtown near the Pearl Brewery and the San Antonio Museum of Art. Spanish translation services are available by request.