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What Legal Information Do I Need to Know?

Most courts throughout the State of Texas have Restraining Orders that bind parties in every family lawsuit. The purpose of these Restraining Orders is to ensure that everybody acts in an appropriate way during the litigation.

In Bexar County, the Bexar County Standing Order is IMMEDIATELY in place once any suit is filed that affects a family relationship. The Order is binding on both parties of the suit. You must follow this Court Order to the letter or risk sanctions, which could mean jail time.

Too, anyone seeking the Temporary Support in a family law case, or the division of property in a divorce, is obligated to bring certain papers to a hearing on Temporary Orders. The Courts will expect these to be filled out completely and accurately; we advise you to read the instructions on the Bexar County District Clerk website for details.

Click on the links below to download the expected documents: