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Caught in the middle of custody dispute, boy wants two worlds

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2013 | Child Custody |

The San Antonio Express-News recently ran an article about a boy caught between two worlds as part of a child custody dispute between his divorced parents.

The 12-year-old’s father lives in Greece and his mother lives in the United States.

The pre-teen was recently returned to his mom’s Indiana home after he spent more than a year with his father in Greece. His dad is accused of kidnapping the boy and holding him against his will.

However, the boy said he enjoyed his time with his dad and would like to essentially live in both Indiana and Greece. “Visit there and visit here,” he told a reporter.

His custodial mother has a different perspective on matters. “There is no way I’m going to just let him go back,” she says.

Within the past two weeks she got the phone call she had been hoping for; the State Department was calling to tell her that Greece had decided to enforce a U.S. court order for her son’s return to this country.

Her son had been living in Greece since the summer of 2011, when gone to visit his father. The visit was part of the couple’s divorce agreement, and the boy had made four previous trips without problems.

But this time, his dad didn’t send him back to Indiana, launching a long-distance custody battle between court systems.

According to an organization cited by the Express-News, there were “more than 4,700 American children abducted” by a parent or guardian outside of the U.S. from 2008 to 2010.

The Indiana mom is happy to have her son back, but she is also pursuing legal claims against her ex-husband.

Anyone who faces difficult child custody disputes should speak with an attorney experienced in helping to resolve matters in the best interests of the child and client.

Source: San Antonio Express-News, “Indiana boy caught in international custody case,” March 22, 2013

