For many people getting divorced, one of the most important factors they consider is ensuring that assets they share are fairly distributed. Additionally, each party is also motivated to ensure assets belonging to each party remain in that party’s possession. Some of...
What is attorney-client privilege and what does it mean for me?
One of the most important things you can do in a divorce is to make sure you’re telling your lawyer everything that might be pertinent to your case. Being truthful and thorough in conveying information about your marriage, your spouse, and your own actions and...
I want an amicable divorce; do I need a lawyer?
If you know that you and your spouse are looking to have an amicable divorce, know how lucky you are to be in that position, especially if you have children. One of the most important relationships you’ll need to maintain after your divorce, if you have children with...
What are the steps to a divorce?
When you’re thinking about getting a divorce in Texas, one of the most important things to remember is that even the most straightforward divorces take time and involve multiple steps. At least a couple of steps are baked into the Texas Family Code, while other steps...
How long will it take to finalize my divorce?
It’s understandable that, in a lot of cases, clients are anxious to finalize their divorce You might be wondering how long it will take to finalize your divorce … and there’s no easy answer to that question. A lot of that depends on the people involved with the...
What do I do if I get served?
Some people who get divorced know it’s coming. Perhaps the parties have talked about divorcing for weeks if not months, and might even take the initial steps of getting lawyers and determining what kind of divorce they want to proceed with together. However, in some...
What expectations should I have for my divorce?
When you’re getting divorced, it will definitely affect you in a lot of different ways. It will affect you emotionally, and financially, and if you have a child, it will most definitely affect you as a parent. That’s why it’s important at the outset of the divorce...
What is a Waiver of Service?
If you’re looking to get divorced or make a modification regarding the current custody arrangements for your child, the process will start with filing a petition in court, which your family lawyer can handle for you. At the Law Office of Lisa A. Vance, when we do a...
So, if we’re getting divorced, what do we do with our house?
A recent Wall Street Journal article caught our eye. It discussed one of the biggest issues for couples who are getting divorced — what should be done with the house jointly owned by both parties. Common sense would dictate a couple take one of two approaches — either...
‘A death and rebirth’: Insights from another celebrity divorce
When celebrities divorce, many of us tend to read with an eye toward wanting to know why. After all, though we don’t know celebrities personally — or, at least, most of us don’t — we feel that we know what they’re like and know enough about their lives to wonder...