We ran across a fascinating article in the New Yorker recently about prenups. The prenuptial agreement, also known as a premarital agreement in Texas, allows for a couple getting married to make arrangements for how money and other assets are split in the event that...
, Photo of the firm's office interior with legal staff ,
Pre-nuptial Agreements
The people getting married today might need pre-nups the most
The divorce rate in the United States today is indeed declining, in large part because of the types of people who are choosing to get married as well as the types of people who aren't. That's the conclusion of an article published this past fall in The Atlantic -- one...
Pre-Nuptial Agreements: What Not to Do
When done fairly, and I'm going to go as far as to say when done the "right" way, a pre-nuptial agreement is a great idea. It can help a couple getting married to understand their finances. For a couple that includes children from a previous marriage, it can help that...