Learn about what sole vs. joint custody entails … and how judges might be swayed to award sole custody to a parent.
, Photo of the firm's office interior with legal staff ,
The Texas Supreme Court: There’s more on the ballot than you think
Do you know the Texas Supreme Court justice candidates on the ballot yet? If you don’t, you should.
How should I conduct myself in the courtroom?
At the Law Office of , we're mindful of how unfamiliar many of our clients are with courtrooms. Indeed, for a great number of our family law clients, divorce court is the first time in their lives they've ever been inside a courtroom. A lot...
Why district judges are so important (and not just to us)
I recently sent out an email to friends and family touting the accomplishments of the Honorable Renée Yanta, who is running for reelection as the 150th District Court Judge. That might surprise some people, who might not realize that lawyers would...