When people go through divorce, they're in what will be one of the most stressful experiences they'll ever go through. It's a time where there's a lot of fear, anger, and anxiety, and it affects individuals in a lot of different, sometimes unexpected ways. In...
Out of pocket child support payments – do they count?
Let's say you've recently finalized your divorce, and you have to start making child support payments. Rather than go through the OAG's office, you decide to make payments directly to your ex-spouse. That might seem faster and easier than going through the child...
Domestic Violence – What is in the Best Interest of the Children?
Divorces with domestic violence and children are complicated. The Courts often struggle with how to juxtapose the allegations of domestic violence (along with the victim's credibility and safety) with the ultimate question they are required to answer, "What is in the...
Avoiding Expensive Damage Control – Be Candid with Your Lawyer
During divorce, people worry about the invasion into their private lives over the course of their divorce case. People worry that arguments will get rehashed, that past or current relationships might be revealed, or that mistakes they've made will come back to haunt...
How we work
Our work so frequently is triage - one of us pours chamomile tea for a saddened client whilst others are strategizing how best (& creatively) to snatch back assets thought greedily hidden.Every day - well, nearly - we are challenged to grasp the heartfelt...
Fathers’ rights do not only affect divorce
Oftentimes, when we talk about fathers' rights, we are referring exclusively to a father's chance at receiving fair custody in a divorce. Years of mothers being awarded sole custody more often than fathers have led to a well-deserved, if slightly inaccurate, belief...
Paternity laws in Texas
It is extremely uncommon and almost impossible for a mother's parenthood to be in doubt, but the same cannot be said for a father. If a woman had multiple male sexual partners around the time that a baby was conceived, then any of the men could feasibly lay a claim of...
Thanksgiving. A Time to Assess.
What does Thanksgiving mean to each of us? For many, it's a time of year to take stock of what we've got to be thankful for. For some, that might mean family and friends, or a loving animal companion; to others it may mean good health, prosperity, a steady job. Ask a...
Social media usage a big issue in divorce & custody proceedings
While many of us in Texas have never thought that Facebook and other social media sites would be a source of contention for a divorce proceeding, as those social centers grow in popularity, they expand the legal complexities associated with these difficult...