There’s a move lately in West Virginia to move to a 50/50 shared custody plan for parents at the start of divorce proceedings, in a bill that has been dubbed the “Parenting Fairness Act.” According to the Herald-Dispatch, it’s the second time in three years that such...
Child Custody
How do I get my children back if my ex has taken them to another country?
In the past, we’ve talked about what to do if your ex has taken your children to another state and you’re trying to get them back. While it’s not an impossible situation, it is one that requires the expertise of a lawyer who has experience working on these kinds of...
What can I do if my ex is hiding my child from me?
I have worked with a couple of parents lately who have been trying to get access to their kids, for parenting time allowed for in the decree or prior order — but the other parents in these cases have actually hidden the kids. And in a couple of cases, it was for more...
How should I coordinate with my ex on giving gifts?
There are a lot of questions that divorced couples may have as they’re facing the holidays, and many of them deal with scheduling parenting time and managing their kids’ experiences. A big part of managing those experiences, of course, has to do with gift-giving. It...
Do mothers have the advantage over fathers in child custody cases?
Do females get the edge over males in child custody battles? The answer might surprise you.
How do judges decide on sole or joint custody in a child custody case?
Learn about what sole vs. joint custody entails … and how judges might be swayed to award sole custody to a parent.
How will coronavirus school closures affect who gets the kids?
The Texas Supreme Court has weighed in on parenting time during the coronavirus pandemic.
Take a break from your divorce this holiday season
While a number of couples try to "get through the holidays" before getting started with a divorce, some couples find themselves in the midst of divorce proceedings in the midst of the holiday season. And that's tough for a few reasons. For divorcing couples with...
How can divorced parents get on the same page for scheduling?
One of the biggest challenges for parents who get divorced, especially when the divorce is relatively still new, is coordinating schedules. The divorce decree will give parents a parenting plan, that will let them know a set schedule of days of the week, weekends of...
When parenting time is used for leverage or control
Parents who have gone through a divorce often don't see eye to eye on a number of issues. That's often a contributor to why the couple got a divorce in the first place, and even though they're still required to communicate with each other as parents of their shared...