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Houston father faces jail time despite paying child support

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2014 | Family Law |

Handling family legal issues is rarely easy, especially when a child is involved. Paying money toward child support is just one of many aspects of divorce or separation that can cause complications in a parent’s life. Whether it’s establishing the amount to be paid or coming up with the finances to pay in full each month, making payments can be a constant source of pressure and stress.

A Houston resident recently discovered a side of child support he had never anticipated. The man’s employer was removing child support payments from his paycheck each month, but records showed the amount taken varied considerably from one paycheck to the next. In some cases, no money was pulled at all. The father learned that his child support payments had been modified, but he was never notified. He owed thousands in back payments.

Although he was able to fulfill the owed support, a judge ruled that he also owed attorney fees to the child’s mother. In addition, he was deemed to be inconsistent with his visitation times, and the judge sentenced him to 180 days of jail time.

Although this man’s situation is an unusual one, it serves as an example of the complexities related to child support, child custody and a father’s rights. Any time a parent is faced with documents and court proceedings related to a child, it is useful to have the assistance of a family law attorney. A professional can provide information for mothers and fathers about the child support process in order to reduce the chances of unwanted and unforeseen events.

Like all states, Texas holds its own laws regarding child custody and other aspects of family law. It is important to understand the finer points of these laws, as well as how they differ from other states, especially if the other parent is living out of state. In all circumstances, being prepared for a child support case is the first step toward ensuring positive outcomes for all parties involved.

Source: My Fox Houston, “Father pays outstanding child support, still gets jail time,” Randy Wallace, Jan. 3, 2014

